About Us

We are a Mexican company with more than 29 years of experience, offering comprehensive socio-environmental solutions. We form a team of 60 professionals specialized in a wide variety of areas with the knowledge and experience to achieve successful projects that contribute to the preservation of the planet we inhabit.

At CAM we form strong and reliable relationships since we are a dependable, ethical, professional, and avant-garde company. Our experience allows us to meet the most complex requirements of local and international clients, as well as those of the communities and transform them into solutions, from environmental studies to remediation of contaminated sites.


Our mission is to become the nationwide leading company in the Mexican market for comprehensive environmental services and engineering through innovation, high quality, and ongoing improvement, always seeking the satisfaction of our customers and contributing to a sustainable environment thereby being a creating agent of thriving economic and social value.


Our vision is to develop the best operational, administrative, and quality assurance practices for the benefit of our clients, employees, and shareholders.

To encourage organizational and personal development in a respectful work environment and professionalism, maintaining the expansion of our services and increasing the extent of our facilities.

Core Values

  • Respect and dignity
  • Worthy employment
  • Contribution to the common good
  • Business ethics
  • Quality
  • Trust
  • Innovation
  • Integrity, legality, and transparency


In 1995, a multidisciplinary group of Mexican professionals formally joined their knowledge and experience to create a company that would contribute to the improvement of the environment, society, and the Mexican industry. CAM started legally operating in Mexico City on September 11 of that year.

Precisely, during the decade of the 90s, the awareness and participation of Mexican society on poverty and environmental issues grew. In this process, new environmental laws, regulations, and standards were developed, which led to the development projects for atmosphere emissions reduction and control, wastewater discharge, and the generation of urban and hazardous solid waste special handling. More wastewater treatment was also requested. Respect for natural ecosystems and their restoration in the face of the negative effects of human activity was recognized.

Interest in regulating the management of liquid, solid and dangerous waste also grew and, above all, in recognizing respect for natural ecosystems and their restoration in the face of negative anthropogenic effects.

The previous conjunction allowed CAM to have dramatic growth which has placed us today as a leading company in technology, innovation, and quality within the business segment in which we operate.

Our clients

We have experienced and highly trained specialists who provide socio-environmental and engineering solutions with the most sophisticated technology available worldwide.

We offer our services to national and multinational companies of all sizes and industrial sectors, mainly:

Oil and Gas

Power generation









How we stand out

At CAM we form strong and reliable teams and relationships to meet requirements and turn them into solutions; supported by the features that define us as a: dependable, ethical, professional, and avant-garde company.

  • Directorate of Operations for Assessment, Management and Socio-Environmental Audit
  • Directorate of Operations for Research of Contaminated Sites and Hydrogeology
  • Safety protocols
  • Technology
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Software
  • Specialists and developers
  • Strategic alliances
  • Scientific research and dissemination agreements
  • Approvals and accreditations
  • Corporate social responsibility

Directorate of Operations for Assessment, Management and Socio-Environmental Audit (DOEGASA)

At CAM we have more than two decades of continuous experience, collaborating in the development of large investment projects, contributing with comprehensive solutions for global firms in the main productive sectors of the economy and key sources for the generation of employment, wealth, and well-being in Mexico.

To establish any major infrastructure, whether a new one or a large expansion, it is required to comply with a set of mandatory regulations throughout the different stages of the projects; first prior to its installation, next during the construction and operation, and finally, when its useful life and purpose has concluded.

Through DOEGASA, the Directorate of Operations for Assessment, Management and Socio-Environmental Audit, CAM’s operational division specialized in the execution of preliminary studies, which contribute to the determination of the technical and scientific feasibility of the projects necessary for the high-level decision-making, with a special emphasis on the reliable procurement and generation of information, often from direct field research, through the development of environmental baselines for the characterization of the biotic and abiotic environments from which operations will be determined, which in turn will provide the data for the technical-scientific studies necessary for the authorization, in terms of the assessment of the impact and social and environmental risk, and for the execution of the change in land use, as dictated by applicable Mexican regulations.

Likewise, CAM provides direct assistance in the management of environmental procedures before the competent authorities at all levels of government, both for new projects and for the follow-up of those that already have the proper authorizations and that require assistance for an update, correction, clarification of compliance status, or even regularization process before government agencies.

At CAM we stand out for having the material and human resources necessary to provide all the required support to our clients throughout the life of their projects to ensure complete compliance in all their stages, from their conceptualization to their conclusion and closure.

The range of services provided through DOEGASA includes the design and development of baseline studies; environmental impact assessments; justifying technical studies for the change of land use in forest lands; attention, monitoring and reporting of measures, terms, and conditions in accordance with the authorizations regarding environmental impact and risk, and change of land use and surveillance programs; the design and execution of programs for the rescue and relocation of wild flora and fauna; maintenance of rescued flora and reforestation specimens; determination of the regulatory framework applicable to industrial operations in environmental and safety, and hygiene matters and management of associated procedures; regulatory compliance assessment and internal audits in environmental, and health and safety matters; socioeconomic studies, which are the most emblematic.

Directorate of Operations for Research of Contaminated Sites and Hydrogeology (DOISCH)

Corporación Ambiental de México, S.A. de C.V.’s (CAM) Directorate of Operations for Research of Contaminated Sites and Hydrogeology (DOISCH), is the area responsible for developing one of the main lines of business within the scope of environmental services offered by CAM.

Through DOISCH, CAM is pioneer, comprehensive, and avant-garde within the segment of characterization and restoration of contaminated sites (soil and groundwater).

Pioneer: because for more than 25 years we have introduced specialized technical consulting services, mechanical drilling and environmental sampling, determination of specific remediation levels into the Mexican market based on environmental risk, and the widespread use of geographic information systems in all our projects.

Comprehensive: because we have the human and material resources and the necessary infrastructure that, combined with our highly specialized knowledge, great technical capacity, and vast accumulated experience, allow us to provide unparalleled services in the Mexican market. We manage all stages, starting from a site initial environmental assessment with exploratory and detailed soil, groundwater, and waste sampling for the purposes of environmental characterization of the site, including environmental risk assessment studies to remediation of contaminated sites.

Avant-garde: because we have and operate specially designed equipment, exclusively dedicated for mechanical drilling for environmental soil and groundwater sampling, advanced equipment for the identification (Geophysics) and liberation of underground infrastructure (air/vacuum excavation), and high- resolution instruments for on-site and real-time characterization of contaminated areas (MiHPT).

Formed by a permanent interdisciplinary group of 25 professionals, including Geological, Geophysical, Civil, Surveyors, and Environmental Systems Engineers, as also Geographers and Drilling Technicians, through DOISCH, CAM is the only consulting company in Mexico accredited by Mexican Accreditation Entity (Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación, A.C.) (ema) and approved by the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA) for the sampling of soil contaminated by hydrocarbons, metals, and metalloids, as well as groundwater and waste.

Also, CAM is a company authorized by the Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) and the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation (SCT) to transport hazardous waste and is registered by the Security, Energy and Environment Agency (ASEA) and by SEMARNAT as an authorized company for the remediation of contaminated sites.

Since the early 90's, we have developed multiple projects for a wide range of companies in the most varied industrial sectors of our country, giving scientific answers to more than a dozen complex projects with seemingly unsolvable problems.

We have carried out more than 1000 Environmental Site Assessments (ESA l) in properties and industrial facilities throughout the country, supporting our national and international clients in their commercial processes.

We have been conducting more than 500 investigations and services related to soil, groundwater, and waste, focused on the Environmental Site Characterizations in the main industrial zones and production centers in Mexico.

In some of these projects where the presence of various pollutants has been detected, research has focused on identifying them and determining the magnitude of their impact on the soil and groundwater by applying the most modern drilling techniques for sampling, and installation of monitoring wells. Research is sometimes complemented by hydrogeology and geophysics studies.

Based on the results of the Environmental Characterization of Contaminated Sites studies and the Environmental Risk Assessment studies carried out by CAM, we have also helped our clients in the selection of the most appropriate Remediation techniques and processes in terms of time/cost/benefit, as well as in its implementation and operation with successful results in all cases.

Safety protocols

At CAM we apply the concepts, regulations and national and international occupational health and safety standards to promote and crystallize the implementation of a prevention culture for the elimination and reduction of occupational risks, providing safe and healthy conditions for our multidisciplinary work teams.

Our commitment to safety and care of the environment is based on our Safety, Health, and Environmental Protection Policy, and the Texas Tasks Suspension Policy.

To achieve the compliance to this policy, CAM has developed and implemented an Occupational Health and Safety Management System, based on the NMX-SAST-45001-IMNC-2018 (ISO 45001: 2018) standard which comprises a manual, policies, protocols, and operating procedures.

As part of our health protocols, in the face of the new global reality, CAM has the authorization of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), where it is established that we meet all the conditions to maintain all our operations without jeopardizing the health of our team of collaborators. Likewise, at CAM we follow the guidelines of health authorities at all levels in Mexico, as well as the recommendations of international bodies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), thereby allowing our clients to trust that all our activities are carried out in strict adherence to the applicable provisions and with the necessary care for the protection of our workers and clients.


We seek for our team, staff, and cutting-edge methodologies, to provide greater efficiency and reliability of our services.

High Resolution – Direct Image (MIHPT)

It detects and records in real-time volatile organic compounds in soil, pollutants derived from petroleum hydrocarbons; it determines the relative permeability of the subsoil, as well as the granulometry associated with its lithology.

This equipment allows on-site decision-making about the sampling design and remediation plan, resulting in savings of time and money compared to traditional techniques.


With the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) we can offer a series of services in less time, with cost reduction, even in areas of difficult access. Our drone services are:

  • Reconnaissance flights for projects.
  • Supervision and work control.
  • Monitoring of material banks.
  • High resolution cartographic production.
  • Topographic surveys.
  • Updating the urban cadastre.

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

A Non-invasive ground penetration method that allows the detection of structures and objects underground up to 8 m.

Radio detector

Safe, accurate, and reliable locator for power lines, water, gas, telecommunications, etc.

Machinery and equipment

We are leaders in environmental drilling; we own machinery for our drilling and sampling operations; we own a fleet, authorized by the Federal Authority for the safe transport of Hazardous Waste

Mechanical environmental drilling equipment

We own 7 drilling rigs for various conditions, both direct thrust and helical drilling with a reach of up to 55 meters deep.

Air/Vacuum Excavation System (Air Knife / Daylighting)

This is a non-liquid drilling system, which allows the soil to be released with a lower risk of damaging the structures that are below the surface, using air.

Waste transportation

We have our own fleet of trucks, with seven dry hoppers for transporting hazardous waste.


We use state-of-the-art software for the development of our work, such as ArcGIS®, Autocad®, and Surfer® among others; with which technical support is guaranteed against any question from the authority.

Specialists and developers

We have a very robust team of professionals who specialize in providing both technical and methodological tools to develop a spatial analysis for developing projects, and thus be able to obtain a better geo-visualization of the elaborated cartography.

Strategic alliances

CAM's socio-environmental services are reinforced with world-class scientific, technological, and financial knowledge of consultants whose synergy strengthens our global capacity and local experience.

Scientific research and dissemination agreements

At CAM we are convinced that scientific and technological research is essential for the transformation of our society and the preservation of the environment. For this reason, we have established links with important institutes and faculties of the most recognized universities in Mexico.

Approvals and accreditations

  • Accreditations for contaminated soil and groundwater, and hazardous waste sampling
  • LPS-CAM-T-01 Water sampling. Own method. Based on ASTM-D-4448-01/Low Flow minimal drawdown ground water sampling procedures in: Ground Water Issue EPA/540/S-95/04 USEPA.
  • Hazardous waste sampling. Own method. LPS-CAM-T-03, based on SW846 Chapter 3.
  • Sampling of soil contaminated with hydrocarbons (NOM-138-SEMARNAT/SSA1-2012 numeral 7).
  • Sampling of soil contaminated with metals and metalloids (NMX-AA-132-SCFI-2006).

Accredited as an Inspection Unit in matters of Efficient Use of water and water footprint by EMA. Under the NMX-AA-184-SCFI-2021 standard, Methodology to determine the volume of efficient use of national waters and the direct blue water footprint.


Approvals for Contaminated soil sampling


Authorizations to carry out soil remediation activities


Approved for the transport of hazardous waste by the SCT and SEMARNAT


Grants us accreditation as a qualified provider within the health and safety standards in a network of 80 countries and 75 thousand members.


It gives us accreditation as a “financially stable and reliable business partner” for Live Business Identity.


Prequalified as a reliable, high-quality, low-risk partner/provider.

Corporate social responsibility

The challenge

To honor our values and become better than the previous day.
As a quality environmental services company, a reliable supplier, and a fair, equitable, and inclusive organization,

  • We must make sure that our procedures and attitudes never deviate from the mission and values that govern us,
  • We seek to encourage our partners, collaborators, clients, and suppliers to commit to us to follow them and
  • We want to influence better and broader practices that cooperate in solving local and global environmental and social problems.

How do we fulfill our values?

Strategic lines of Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporación Ambiental de México includes Corporate Social Responsibility, recognizing four strategic areas:

Ethics and corporate governance

We are a company participating in the Mexican Network of the United Nations Global Agreement. We develop social responsibility policies, we maintain a commitment to good governance, ethical practices, and anti-corruption.

Quality of life in the company

We provide a safe and healthy work environment; we promote diversity and equity; We are committed to fair remuneration and the development of all the people who work in the company.

Care and preservation of the environment

We have environmental policies and measures to comply with our obligations in accordance with applicable legislation; our services protect the environment and biodiversity, and we promote the restoration of natural habitats.

Bonding and commitment to the community and its development

We contribute to professional development by sharing our experience in vulnerable communities addressing environmental impact problems; We promote education, environmental awareness, and waste management and recycling initiatives.

We are ready to listen and help you solve problems.